Monday, December 13, 2010

Greeting Cards Available Now!

5"x6.5" Greeting Cards
white cards and envelopes - individually wrapped
3.00 each
6 for 15.00

How to Order Your Cards
-see information below-

Choose from 10 images:

1-Colorful Mountains

2-Flower at Home

3-My Red School House Looking Over the Forest

4-My King Bush Tree Next to a Stream and King Pin Mountains

5-Grove of Trees

6-My Cabin in the Woods

7-Mountain Shades and Colors of Volcanic Rock

8-House in the Corner Next to the Freeway

9-My Mountain Pass Looking Down at the Ocean and My Thumb Island

10-My Stained Glass

1. Email your order and mailing address to
2. You will receive a confirmation email with the additional postage cost and address for you to send a check.
3. You mail a check.
4. Your order will be quickly delivered to you!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Colorful Magnets For Sale

My Paintings and Drawings Make Great Magnets!
5"x7" magnet $3.00 each
6 for $15.00

-information below-

Choose from 5 images:

Flower at Home in the Springtime

Colorful Mountains

My Bright Alone Trees

Voodoo Island

Al Franken-Michael Jackson

1. Email your order and mailing address to
2. You will receive a confirmation email with the additional postage cost and address for you to send a check.
3. You mail a check.
4. Your order will be quickly delivered to you!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Powderhorn Art Fair 2010

a group of artists with (dis)abilities working with mentor, Sara Hanson.

Paintings and Drawings
-framed and matted works for sale-

Showing my work and hanging out with other artists was the greatest thing ever! It was fun to hear comments about my paintings. I enjoyed meeting other artists and seeing their work.

Munka Beans Coffee Shop Art Show in July

Shapes of the Land
paintings and marker drawings

Munka Beans Coffee Shop and Sunshine Cafe in downtown Hopkins

My first showing at a Coffee Shop and it was a great experience. Friends and family joined me for an opening celebration. The colors of the walls accented my paintings and my paintings brightened up the walls. I'd love to show more work there again. Thank you to Thomas, the owner.

Monday, July 19, 2010

MN State Fair Entry

Voodoo Island
Paint Marker on Canvas

Voodoo Island-go there on may become hypnotized...

Dropping off for juried competition on August 6th-Wish me luck!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Sister Kenny 47th International Art Show

Ray of Light
acrylic on canvas

Sister Kenny 47th Annual Art Show for Artists with Disabilities

April 22 to May 21, 2010

The 47th Annual International Art Show by Artists with Disabilities is April 22 to May 21 on the second floor of the Sister Kenny Building of Abbott Northwestern Hospital in Minneapolis.

Exhibit and sale hours
Regular exhibit and sale hours are weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is always free. For more information, call 612-863-4872.

Foot In The Door 4 Show

Minneapolis Institute of Art

Friday, February 19, 2010—Sunday, June 13, 2010
Minnesota Artists Exhibition Gallery
Free Exhibition

I got my foot in the door and I am happy that I did not step on anybody.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Working Large

Working on My Forest In My Mind. This is the largest I have worked and I am excited to see it when I am finished! I like to experiment with perspective and dimension. I hope that this large scale painting will provide the viewer more opportunities for exploration.